How to Propose a Girl | Love Propose a Girl
How to propose a girl on chat as well as the real and face to face.
First thing is the place is the very important for girls to accept to your propose, because of the most of the boys looking to propose in the very crowd place. That is completely wrong.
That girl want to accept your love mean you need choose the good place, what she will she and favorite venue.
Best Place to Propose a Girl

Maximum number of girls are expecting to propose a boy from me a unique way. Not like this Rose, Neel Down etc.
If you start your propose talk mean that girl will learnt to you, At that type of speaking you have prepare.
Don’t use more words. Say directly I LOVE YOU. Some boys are using big story to propose a girl its like last 10 i loving you. Don’t say that, if you say that she will ask, I asked you to love.
Go By CAR or Bike ??
Even if you are walk and propose she accept or she will say answers later.
Don’t use bike and car for proposing time because some girl not like that things.
NO Costly Gift
Your friends will say give any costly gift to your lover then she accept your love. Don’t do this mistake.
Whats you are having in your hand is not a matter. How you speaking is the matter.
Don’t Go By Causal Dress
Your lover will see you mean, Definitely She will be think, today he is some what is different. That is first impression for love propose.
After you propose a girl she will be asking you, He comes differently for me and propose to me.
Girls will think, if you do any thing very special to your lover or girl friend they will expect and like that.
Best Gift For Propose a Girl
That is the No gift, What you are speaking is the matter. If you give any costly to your lover she will think, He wants to buy a me for that gift.

Important Words to Use
You want say a girl, what you will do after she accept a propose.
Use this word once you accept my propose my parents will talk to your parents. if you say this word that girl will have good positive mind set about you.
Will you Marriage me ??
Insead of I LOVE YOU few boys are using this word that is will you marry me, If you ask thing questions to your lover she will have negative though about you.
She will say we are just friends forever. Once she told this word mean you will leave that talk for 10 days, again you want to start a first. Otherwise you will to your friends this is my lover. You will note your lover Behaviour for she will angry or she will not listening. Once She will any angry mean she is loving you. She is not listening mean not interested about your love propose.
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