This blog is contains ECE books for first year best Engineering books details for Engineering students Anna University Regulation 2017 and Regulation 2021.
This book for Engineering mathematics for engineering 1st year this one book for both Engineering first semester 2nd semester all the syllabus contains in this book all the syllabus of Anna University 2017 regulation 2021 regulation Engineering mathematics syllabus step by step problem solved in this book this book author is Singh sir.
each and every problem solved by step-by-step so students can understand easily Engineering mathematics
Engineering mathematics 1 AND 2
This book only for engineering 1st year 1st semester this book name is Engineering mathematics 1 Anna University 2017 regulation 2021 regulation all the syllabus contents in this video is every problem solved step by step very simple step so students understand problems solved in this book contain a very important questions frequently asked questions in university point of view as well as test point of you internal mark point of you so all the important questions are very useful to the students.
The one of the most famous Engineering chemistry book because this book contains only keywords the two marks also given separately because also given separately diagrams diagrams are very simple method as well as very important indications of mention so this book author name is Ravichandran sir. Anna University student sir using this book in first semester first year this book is common to all the department of Anna University first year bachelor of engineering.
This is foreign author book for engineering chemistry this book also very useful for Anna University students regulations 2017 regulation 2021 this book is very advanced because this is foreign author book each and every concept sorry explain detail with example with real time examples are students can understand
each Engineering chemistry. the important 2 marks are given separately all the model question papers in university find the answer of knowledge point of this book is very good book for engineering chemistry 1st year students Anna University.
Engineering physics is the owner of the hard paper CSE paper if you consider this paper Sonic disturb hot if you consider this paper is in this paper is because so many divisions so many long derivations of contents in engineering physics 1st year engineering physics for common to all department this book contains practical point of view as well as university exam test point of view very good
all the problems are given step-by-step the important farmers are given in this book so students can use this book this is foreign author book for engineering physics Anna University regulation 2017 regulation 2021.
Engineering physics
Problem solving and python programming this is new paper in Anna University 2017 regulation 2021 regulation some students are feeling this paper is very hard but this paper is very easy if you understand the programming concept you make clear easily this paper this book is sufficient for university Anna University examination point of view this book contain so many example programming with the output
Model question papers for problem solving and python programming contains in this book ECE books for first year two marks are 16 16 marks with programming output as well as practical point of view this book is very useful if you read if you read this book you will get more knowledge.
ECE books for first year Engineering graphics is one of the he is a subject as well as some concepts are very tough to understand for that purpose only you may use this type of book this book contains each and every concert it’s like constructions are given very simple so students can draw the engineering graphics diagrams very easily
Anna University student search following this book for engineering graphics for first year engineering graphics is common to all department.
Anna University syllabus for engineering graphics all the syllabus covered in this book each and every syllabus having different construction that constructions are very simple explanation given in this
book so students can easily understand is sleep pass the exam in engineering graphics this book for Anna University regulation and 2017 regulation 2021
ENGINEERING PHYSICS ECE books for first year
Antennas and microwave Engineering is one of the old paper as well as easy paper in electronics and communication engineering 7th semester paper this paper contain both the subject is like antennas and microwave Engineering as well as microwave detailed explanation continue this book you need
123 is antenna unit 4 5 is microwave so to subject combined in this book this book is very useful for Anna University regulation 2021 students this one of the famous book is technical publication most of the insurance plans are using this book is like technical publication because this book contains problem separately theory
part separately to Mark separately model question paper for that purpose buying this type of book
Optical communication is one of the new as easy paper in electronics and communication engineering in 7th semester paper this book contains two months separately model question paper separately as
problematic sums for 16 marks each and every problem solved step by step so students can understand easily book given all the 5 minute problem formulas at each of the unique at last so student very easy to study problematic sums with problems formulas
Embedded and real time system this circuit is one of the use for subject because this subject have in the project areas ECE final year projects related to embedded if you study this subject clearly you may do you a project with your own areas so that purpose of this paper given in 7th semester for Anna University examination 2017 regulation 2021
Ad hoc wireless sensor network this book having so many real time example Pearson publication book is one of the foreign author book this book is very advanced. students can gain more knowledge from this type of book
Introduction to C programming this is elective subject for electronics and communication engineering 7th semester Anna University 2021 regulation this book is very useful for programming language so many basic concepts so many
basic programs so many basic interview questions contains in this book so this book is most valuable so many information contains in this book
Disaster management is one of the galaxy subject for electronics and communication engineering in Anna University 2017 regulation for 7th semester
this paper is one of the most important paper because so many information so many ideas are given in this book related to disaster management this paper very easy answers very interesting paper in the semester of 7th.
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